If your question cannot be found here, please contact a shop and we will be happy to assist you.
Will the rock chip completely disappear from my windshield after the repair is done?
Sadly, no. Rock Chip Repairs are a preventative step in order to stop the chip from spreading and needing to replace the entire windshield. The repair fixes the structural integrity of the glass but not always the overall appearance.
Will you install OEM parts on my vehicle?
We do recommend the OEM equivalent when the vehicle is 5 or more years old. It has the same quality and durability as the OEM, but it is more affordable. We would, of course, do a quality check on it before we do the installation. Insurance companies don't always cover the retail cost of the OEM parts, especially when there are most cost efficient options. If you decide you want OEM, the insured is responsible to pay the difference on top of their existing deductible.
Why can't my rock chip be filled if it is in my line of sight?
We will not fill a rock chip if it is going to affect your field of vision. It's nothing against you, it is actually for your safety. If it obscures your view from the driver seat, it could put you or others at risk.
Do I have to pay for my camera calibration?
Insurance companies will cover the expense of the recalibration because it is necessary to the safety features and functionality of the vehicle. If you are paying for the replacement out of pocket, this will already be included in the quote.
Broaden your Vision
RICHMOND (604) 451 - 0454 | richmond@jfvisionautoglass.com
BURNABY (604) 299 - 9295 | burnaby@jfvisionautoglass.com
VANCOUVER (604) 258 - 7519 | vancouver@jfvisionautoglass.com